
L'Oréal Foundation L'Oréal Foundation
Women in science are central to the actions undertaken by the L’Oréal Foundation. With the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program and its new phase chapter L’Oréal For Girls in Science, the L’Oréal Foundation supports women in research, recognizes excellence in a field where women are underrepresented and encourages the scientific vocations of girls in high school. The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program was founded in 1998 with a simple aim; to ensure that women are fairly represented at all levels in science. Science is indeed part of the future, and it needs every talented mind available, be they men or women. Thus, this program aims to ensure that research in every field takes full advantage of the intelligence, creativity and passion of one-half of the population of the planet. The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program has achieved a great deal for women scientists in almost two decades since its creation. However, the current situation indicates that much remains to be done with regard to gender balance in science. Women account for only 30% of the world’s researchers. On the 24th March 2016, during the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, the L’Oréal Foundation has taken its commitment a step further, with the launch of the For Women in Science Manifesto: a public awareness campaign aimed at engaging the scientific community, opinion leaders and the general public to step up the pace of change for women in the sciences. Already signed by more than 35 000 people, this Manifesto aims to take a stand against the under-representation of women in the sciences. The L’Oréal Foundation is delighted to be a partner of the 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research. The Foundation is itself deeply involved in the changes and challenges related to gender equality promotion and interventions in higher education and research institutions. Through its partnership with the conference, the L’Oréal Foundation will be able to meet gender equality leaders from Europe and beyond, and increase the visibility of its cause. Women in Science ( L'Oréal Women in Science)
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