Tuesday September 13th, 2016
B10 Session: Which careers for women in academia in STEM and medicine? (Chair: Rossella Palomba, National Research Council, Italy)
Karine Chevreul, Corinne Alberti, Coralie Gandré, Jeanne Gervaix, Julien Thillard, (USPC Université Paris Diderot, INSERM, France), Dominique Meurs (EconomiX Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre la Défense, France), The effects of gender on the evolution of medical doctors' career in academic settings
Isabelle Kraus (Université de Strasbourg, France), Nassira Hedjerassi (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France), France/Germany: academic career development of physicists
Natalie Lerch-Pieper, Beatrice Beck Schimmer (University of Zurich, Switzerland), “Search for Women Excellence”: A project to appoint more women professors in medicine
Lesley Shannon (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Catherine Mavriplis (University of Ottawa, Canada), Canada's Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program: 20 years of Strategies to Increase the Participation of Women