GENDER-NET is an initiative funded by the European Commission under the Science in Society workprogramme of the seventh Framework Programme (FP7), designed to address the common challenges still facing European research institutions in achieving gender equality in research and innovation.
As the conclusion of this three-year project, the GENDER-NET Final Dissemination and Policy Conference will aim at presenting the project's achievements, good practices and main results.
GENDER-NET is the first European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) to be dedicated to the promotion of gender equality through structural change in research institutions, as well as to the integration of sex and gender analysis in research and brings together a balanced partnership of thirteen national programme owners from across Europe and North America with a shared commitment to gender equality and synergistic expertise in gender and science issues.
Based on the mutual opening of their respective programmes and policies, partners have joined forces to carry out joint assessments of existing national/regional initiatives, to define priority areas for transnational collaborations, and to implement a selection of strategic joint activities, in an effort to reduce fragmentation across the ERA and help reach a critical mass of ministries, research funders, universities and research institutions across Europe engaging in the development and implementation of gender equality plans or related initiatives, and requesting gendered contents in research programmes and projects.